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Ohev Siddur Fundraiser Program 2025/5785

Ohev is embarking on an effort to replace its older Siddurim, many of which are in poor condition, require the use of different Siddurim for Weekday and Shabbat/Yom Tov prayers, and are cumbersome to navigate even for experienced siddur users. Please note that the shul will continue to maintain a small quantity of Artscroll Siddurim for those who prefer them.
Sponsorship Opportunities
These new, beautiful Siddurim are available to sponsor to mark a special occasion or dedicate in memory or in honor of a loved one, family member, or friend. The sponsorship fee is $54 ea. With ample sponsorships, we hope to have up to 300 Siddurim replaced sometime during 2025.

Click here to see a sample dedication label.

Please note: the first batch of Siddurim will be ordered once half of Siddurim are dedicated. We hope to have them on the shelves in the coming months.
About the Koren Shalem Siddur
Based on the extremely popular Koren Sacks Siddur, the Koren Shalem Siddur is a new, enhanced Siddur that includes the entire contents of the Sacks Siddur, along with all Torah readings with new translations for the Shalosh Regalim and Hol HaMoed, Hanukka, Purim, Yom Ha'atzmaut and Yom Yerushalayim, as well as modern English translations of the Five Megillot. The Siddur also contains a concise and erudite commentary by the late Rabbi Jonathan Sacks ZT"L. 
Click here to see a PDF sample of the Siddur.

Rabbi Wolkenfeld compared some contemporary siddurim in a Lehrhaus review in 2019 which you can see 

please write your name(s) as you'd like them to appear on the dedication page.

Suggested format: In honor/memory of person's name. Example: In memory of my beloved grandmother, Rebecca Cohen.

Suggested format: In honor/memory of person's name. Example: In memory of my beloved grandmother, Rebecca Cohen.

Suggested format: In honor/memory of person's name. Example: In memory of my beloved grandmother, Rebecca Cohen.

Suggested format: In honor/memory of person's name. Example: In memory of my beloved grandmother, Rebecca Cohen.

Suggested format: In honor/memory of person's name. Example: In memory of my beloved grandmother, Rebecca Cohen.

Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785