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High Holidays Schedule 5785/2024

We are fortunate to have Rabbi and Rabbanit Wolkenfeld leading us for the High Holidays with Ohev Sholom. Please click here to view a special Yamim Nora'aim video message from them.

This year, Ohev is excited to welcome Jeremy Kadden who will be leading many of our High Holiday Tefilot, along with a number of community members who will be leading and supporting our High Holiday Davening. 

For more information or to register for High Holiday services, please visit


Yamim Nora’im Schedule 5785/2024


Friday, October 11th, Erev Yom Kippur
7:15 AM | Shacharit
8:00 AM - 2:30 PM | Men’s Mikvah Hours (suggested donation $25, please reserve a slot at and bring your own towel.  Women who wish to use the mikvah prior to Yom Kippur should make appointments for Wednesday or Thursday evening at
3:00 PM | Mincha
6:10 PM | Kol Nidre followed by dvar Torah from Rabbi David Wolkenfeld, appeal and Maariv
6:16 PM | Candle Lighting

Saturday, October 12th, Yom Kippur
8:30 AM | Shacharit with a sermon by Rabbi Wolkenfeld
~10:30 AM | Yizkor
4:50 PM | Mincha
6:00 PM | Neilah
7:15 PM | Final Shofar blast followed by Maariv, Havdalah, and a communal breakfast sponsored by Lea & Jeff Mendelsohn.


Sukkot, Shmeni Atzeret & Simchat Torah Services Schedule


Wednesday, October 16 - First Night of Sukkot
6:09 PM | Candle Lighting
6:10 PM | Mincha/Maariv

Note: The shul sukkah will be available for use throughout Sukkot

Thursday, October 17 - First Day of Sukkot
9:15 AM | Shacharit, followed by a dessert Kiddush in the Ohev Sukkah

10:15 AM | Youth Programs 
6:10 PM | Mincha/Maariv 
7:08 PM | Earliest time for candle lighting for Second Day of Sukkot

Friday, October 18 -  Second Day of Sukkot
9:15 AM Shacharit, followed by a dessert Kiddush in the Ohev Sukkah
4:00 PM - 5:15 PM | Hal Brodsky z”l Memorial Sukkah Hop. RSVP here!
6:05 PM | Mincha/Maariv
6:06 PM | Candlelighting

Saturday, October 19 - Shabbat Chol Hamoed
9:00 AM | Shacharit with the reading of Kohelet, followed by a light Kiddush in the Ohev Sukkah
5:50 PM | Mincha, followed by a light Seudah Shlishit in the Ohev Sukkah and a shiur taught by Kate Rozansky titled Kohelet as a Grief Text
7:00 PM | Maariv
7:05 PM | Havdalah

Sunday, October 20 - Second day of Chol Hamoed Sukkot
8:30 AM | Shacharit
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM | Caramel Apple making at the Shul to prepare for Simchat Torah |(under 6 needs chaperone; RSVP required)
6:00 PM | Mincha/Maariv

Monday, October 21 - Third day of Chol Hamoed Sukkot
7:15 AM | Shacharit
6:00 PM | Mincha/Maariv
8:15 PM - 9:30 PM | Sushi in the Sukkah at the Wolkenfeld’s Sukkah (Adults Only; RSVP required here)

Tuesday, October 22 - Fourth day of Chol Hamoed Sukkot
7:15 AM | Shacharit
6:00 PM | Mincha/Maariv

Wednesday, October 23 - Hoshana Rabbah
6:45 AM | Hoshana Rabbah Services
5:59 PM | Candle Lighting
6:00 PM | Mincha/Maariv

Thursday, October 24 - Shmeni Atzeret and Simchat Torah
9:15 AM | Shacharit with Yizkor, and Tefillat Geshem
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM | Youth Torah Reading with Light Dinner (up to B’nai Mitzvah)
6:05 PM | Mincha
6:25 PM | Maariv with community-led, family friendly Hakafot and Torah Reading. Featuring candy, snacks, and treats! 
6:58 PM | Earliest time for candle lighting for Simchat Torah

Friday, October 25 - Simchat Torah
8:45 AM | Shacharit with Hakafot and separate Men & Women Torah Readings, followed by BBQ lunch (RSVP required).
5:55 PM | Mincha/Maariv
5:56 PM | Candlelighting

Saturday, October 26 - Shabbat Bereshit
9:15 AM | Shacharit
4:55 PM | Class by Professor Ben Dreyfus titled The Jewish Calendar Controversy of 922 CE (and 2024 CE?)
5:40 PM | Mincha, followed by a light Seudah Shlishit
6:51 PM | Maariv 
6:56 PM | Havdalah

Wed, October 16 2024 14 Tishrei 5785