Membership Plans
Membership Plans
Accessible membership is a community priority at our shul. We value all of our members equally and no one will be denied membership for financial reasons. In order to accommodate members in varying financial situations, we have several plans outlined below. For more information or to determine which plan is right for you, please contact our Interim Director of Operations, Steven Wernick ( or (202) 882-7225, ext. 103.
Annual Giving Plans
We are also excited to share our new Annual Giving Plan options for those who are able to make an additional philanthropic impact. Annual Giving plans allow the synagogue to create a culture of philanthropy in our community ensuring our synagogue's sustainability.
This year, we will have five distinct Annual Giving levels with each level receiving different benefits. We hope each membership unit will consider becoming part of our important annual giving program.
Our Annual Giving program will have the following benefits this year:
- Recognition throughout the year (All Levels)
- High Holiday Tickets (All Levels)
- Mishloach Manot (All Levels)
- Full Page Ad in the Journal and to tickets to the Spring Celebration (Chai & Pillar)
- Full Page Ad in the Journal (Builder)
- Reduction (20%) in one building rental during the year [non-Shabbat] (Sustainer, Sustainer Plus, and Builder)
- One free rental in the building [non-Shabbat] (Chai and Pillar)
Annual Giving program levels:
- Sustainer: $4,000 annual/$333 monthly - Covers roughly half of all costs incurred by a typical household during the year
- Sustainer Plus: $6,000 annual/$500 monthly - Covers roughly 3/4 of all costs incurred by a typical household during the year
- Builder: $8,000 annual/$667 monthly - Covers full costs incurred by a typical household during the year
- Pillar: $16,000 annual/$1,333+ monthly - Covers full costs associated with household participation at Ohev Sholom + sponsors another household in participating fully, as well
- Chai Society: $20,000+
* Individuals receive a 30% discount
Please contact the shul office if you wish to select a different level of you Annual Giving.
Membership Plans
Membership Plans (excluding Associate and Under 30) include High Holiday seats, but do not include donations for the High Holiday Appeal & Yizkor Book, Mishloach Manot for Purim, and Annual Gala Celebration. Please select the best plan for you and continue to support our appeals throughout the year. (Our dues cycle runs July 1 - June 30).
- Household Membership $2,350
Includes one High Holiday seat per each household resident - Individual Membership $1,600
Includes one High Holiday seat - First-Time Household Membership $1,600
Includes one High Holiday seat per each household resident - First-Time Individual Membership $1,070
Includes one High Holiday seat - Individual Under 30 Membership $800
Does not include High Holiday seats - Associate Membership $600
For those living outside of the Ohev community or have an affiliation as a full dues paying member at another synagogue. Does not include voting rights.
No one will be turned away from membership for financial reasons. Please contact our Director of Operations, Steven Wernick ( or (202) 882-7225, ext. 103) who will be happy to work with you to reach an arrangement concerning dues (including payment plans and discounts) in a completely private manner. It is more important for you to be a part of our community as a member, and contribute what you can, than to not join at all. We sincerely appreciate your support at whatever level you are able to give.
If you have questions about membership, please contact our Director of Operations, Steven Wernick at or (202) 882-7225, ext. 103
Sun, March 16 2025
16 Adar 5785
Today's Calendar
: 8:30am |
Purim Carnival and Youth Purim Spiel! : 12:00pm |
: 7:00pm |
Quick Links
Friday Night
: 6:04pm |
: 6:45pm |
Candle Lighting : 7:02pm |
Shabbat Day
: 9:15am |
: 10:15am |
: 5:15pm |
: 6:45pm |
: 7:59pm |
Havdalah : 8:04pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Vayakhel
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 21, 7:02pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 22, 8:04pm |
Parshat Parah
Shabbat, Mar 22 |
Zmanim for DC
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