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Kashering & Pesach Halachic Guidelines: 

  • Beltway Vaad Pesach Cleaning Guide can be accessed here.
  • Rabbi Wolkenfeld’s Pesach Guide can be accessed here.

Pesach Seder Hosting

One of the best known lines of the Haggada is, “Let all who are hungry, come and eat.” Part of our celebration of Pesach involves welcoming guests into our homes for sedarim and meals. If you would like to host or be hosted for sedarim, please fill out the forms below. And if you would like any help arranging other Pesach meals please email
If you would like to host guests at your seder table please click here.
If you would like to be hosted by someone please click here.

This is a service that is available for all Ohev Sholom members. If you are not a member and would like to participate please contact Rabbi David Wolkenfeld at

Wine Sale

Ohev Pesach Wine Sale and Fundraiser

Pick up will take place at Ohev tomorrow, April 18th (9am to 5pm) and Friday, April 19th (9am to 3pm).

If you would like to have them delivered, please contact Steve at

Pesach Food Orders Info

Orders pick up time: 
- Soupergirl's - TBD
- Signature - April 21st | 4pm to 4:30pm

Sale of Hametz Form

Please fill out a power of attorney form if you would like me to sell your hametz. You can fill out the form online at (PLEASE NOTE: you must be logged into your  account to access the form) or fill out a paper version. It is important that the forms are returned to the Ohev office before the deadline of 4:00 PM on Thursday, April 18th. The forms must be signed. 

If you appoint Rabbi Wolkenfeld as your agent to sell hametz on your behalf, please wait at least one hour after the conclusion of Pesach before accessing the hametz again so he has time to re-purchase it. Hametz that you sell should be kept isolated from your other possessions in designated closets, cabinets, or shelves. You must provide access to the gentile who purchases our hametz should she wish to take possession of any of it on Pesach.

Note: If you miss the deadline and did not submit your sale of Hametz form, you can still can use the printable version and bring it to Shul during services through Sunday morning.

Printable version here!

Ma’ot Hittim

It is customary to give special tzedakah money in the days before Pesach so that the poor may be able to celebrate Passover with joy and plenty. Maimonides writes that one who eats large holiday meals without providing for the poor is not enjoying the “simcha of the mitzvah” but only the “simcha of his stomach.” The Ohev Sholom “Chesed Fund” will be making tzedakah disbursements in the days leading up to Passover and the entire community is encouraged to participate. You can make contributions remotely by visiting and selecting “Chesed Fund.”

If you are in need of extra support during this time please do not hesitate to contact Rabbi Wolkenfeld.



Food Drives 

Yad Yehuda Food donation bin in Ohev lobby! There is a bin in the Ohev lobby this week to accept donations of Passover food that Yad Yehuda can distribute next week to their clients. If you do Passover shopping this week, throw some extra items into your shopping cart, and drop them off at the shul. We will bring over any donated items to the Yad Yehuda building on Friday.

You can combine a donation drop-off with attendance at weekday tefilot for a double-mitzvah!


Capital Kosher Pantry. This is for kosher for pesach food for people in the broader community. Foods that would be helpful (all certified kosher l’Pesach) are:
-Canned olives and pickles 
-Dried fruit 
-Tea bags

*Deadline for Friday, April 19th*.

Shepherd's Table
Shepherd's Table Daily Meals program serves guests at Progress Place, their building at 8106 Georgia Ave. 
Beyond the Table distributes ready-to-go, drive-through (or walk-up) dinners throughout the week at sites in Prince George’s County and Montgomery County. 
Ohev Sholom will be collecting any unopened, non expired, non perishable food such as canned goods, pasta, oil, flour, etc. Shepherd's table will use these ingredients to prepare meals.

*Deadline for Friday, April 19th*.

Pesach 2024/5784 Schedule

To download/print Pesach schedule click here  

Sunday, April 21, 2024
After 8:20 pm Bedikat Chametz 
Monday, April 22 (Erev Pesach)
4:54 am Fast of the First Born Begins
7:15 am Shacharit with Siyum and light breakfast
8:30-9:30 am Communal Chametz burning at Ohev
10:50 am Last time to eat Chametz
1:06 pm Last time to own/burn Chametz
7:00 pm Mincha/Maariv
7:34 pm Candlelighting
(Kiddush at or after 8:35 pm)

Tuesday, April 23 (Day 1 of Pesach)
9:15 am  Shacharit with Tefillat Tal
7:30 pm Mincha/Maariv
8:36 pm Candlelighting 
(Kiddush at or after 8:36 pm. Please remember that no work for the second day of yom tov, including candle-lighting, may commence until 8:36 PM on Tuesday, April 22nd. Preparations for the second day of yom tov that do not entail any “melakhah” such as setting the table, opening bottles of wine, filling pitchers with water etc. may take place after sunset. (
See here).

Wednesday, April 24 (Day 2 of Pesach & Day 1 of Sefirah)
9:15 am Shacharit
7:40 pm Mincha/Maariv
8:37 pm Havdalah

Thursday, April 25 (Chol Hamoed & Day 2 of Sefirah)
7:15 am Shacharit
7:40 pm Mincha/Maariv

Friday, April 26 (Chol Hamoed & Day 3 of Sefirah)
7:15 am Shacharit
6:45 pm Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat

Saturday, April 27 (Shabbat Chol Hamoed & & Day 4 of Sefirah)
9:15 am Shacharit with Shir Hashirim
7:25 pm Mincha followed by a Shiur
8:35 pm Maariv
8:40 pm Havdalah

Sunday, April 28 (Chol Hamoed & Day 5 of Sefirah)
8:30 am Shacharit
6:45 pm Mincha/Maariv
7:40 pm Candlelighting

Monday, April 29 (Day 7 (yom tov) & Day 6 of Sefirah)
9:15 am Shacharit
6:45 pm Mincha/Maariv
8:41 pm Candlelighting

Tuesday, April 30 (Day 8 (yom tov) & Day 7 of Sefirah)
9:15 am Shacharit with Yizkor
7:45 pm Mincha/Maariv
8:43 pm Havdalah





Wed, January 15 2025 15 Tevet 5785