Saturday, October 26 at 4:55 PM - The Jewish Calendar Controversy of 922 CE (and 2024 CE?) Join Professor Ben Dreyfus for an informative and historical discussion as he shares how the Jewish calendar was calculated historically and its relevance today in 2024.
Shabbat, October 26 after kiddush from ~12:00 PM - 12:45 PM. Parshat Beresheit - What is the Torah Cycle? Ohev welcomes Sofia Freudenstein for Shimini Atzeret, Simhat Torah, and Shabbat of Parashat Bereishit. In addition this community shiur, she will be assisting youth programming over the holidays and teaching a shiur to high school students, Sofia Freudenstein bio here.
Parent-Child Learning with Rabbi Wolkenfeld @ Shul (Starts after Havdalah) 3rd-5th graders and their parents or an adult friend are invited to join Rabbi Wolkenfeld after Shabbat for family learning sessions! Light refreshments will be served. Dates:
November 9 | December 7 | January 11 | February 15
Minyan Corner Elevate your week! Please join us at our weekday Shacharit and Mincha/Maariv minyanim. Sign up in advance to help us ensure we have minyanim and strong participation for those saying Kaddish.
We rely on volunteers to help make Ohev such a vibrant shul. Please consider getting involved by joining (or helping to lead) one of our committees. Any amount helps! More More info here!
Chesed Committee: Chesed Committee: Lend a hand and support each other! If you are able to help members in need of short term assistance please fill out this form. form.
Yad Yehuda Community This Rosh Hashanah, send beautiful e-cards to your friends and neighbors while supporting Yad Yehuda's essential work. Each card is only $2! Visit: purchase your cards today!
The Community Jewish Book Drive is BACK! Rabbi Uri Topolosky is collecting any Jewish books/paper/sheimos again this November during school hours at Berman. Sign up to sign up to help sort books for recycle/resale/burial. Rabbi Uri will be teaching a zoom class about Genizah Oct 30 at 12:30PM here:
Wednesday Lucy Kurtzer-Ellenbogen for father Wilfred Ellenbogen
Thursday Sindy Udell for Uncle Irving Smolensky
Shabbat Sylvia Block for mother Sarah G. Mushinsky
Charlotte Grinberg Cheryl Troy Mark Rabinovitch Claudia Saka Darren Klugman
**PLEASE NOTE** Sunflower will be closed Thursday and Friday for the next two weeks. Orders submited by Sunday noon can be pick up on Tuesday, October 22 at Ohev Sholom from 11:00AM - 2:00PM.
Orders will be set up inside the building at the Jonquil Street entrance.
Thank you for your understanding and contact the shul office with any questions, 202-882-7225
Rabbi David Wolkenfeld (202) 882-7225, ext. 104 To schedule a phone call or in-person time with Rabbi Wolkenfeld, please reach out directly or visit